Why Is It So Hard To Overcome Negative Thoughts?
Especially thoughts about not being worthy enough, not having what you truly desire, that no one loves you, dying alone...
I'm sorry, overcoming these thoughts isn't easy even when you *aren't* clinically depressed. When you are, your thoughts race along the self hate pathways as if they're 8-lane superhighways. The self love path turns into a dirt road somewhere deep in the recesses of your mind that you just can't find. The things we do to overcome depression (meds, therapy, exercise, diet, etc,) all help to block off that self-loathing, negative highway, putting up detours that let us get back on track. They also eventually can allow us to discover the one cure for all our problems, that little self love dirt path, and turn it into the most beautiful boulevard you can imagine. Blessings to everyone on their journey- I know from experience how painful and hopeless it can seem. Hold on, keep trying, keep talking, keep listening to that small still voice that's inside, no matter how scared it may be to peek out.
I think that's kind of the paradox of depression. The cause of depression only allows the negative, hurtful, self-deprecating thoughts to be in your mind. I've found, when your brain receives the correct balancing medication, then you can think more clearly, positively, rationally. Then, hold onto your good thoughts and plans and desires, "memorize" them and ride it as long as you can! Keep on top of your doctors to find the best antidepressants to give you that breakthrough.
Took me years to do this.
For me it’s a process of actively stopping those thoughts ( takes a lot of practice) and forcing my mind onto something i enjoy doing. Took me years of being ok with being me, self acceptance.
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