Do You Ever Feel Like Your A Burden To Others? If So How Does It Make You Feel And How Do You Deal With It?
I mean feeling like you can't really talk about how your feeling and that others are just not interested or just don;t want to listen to you moaning because that's how they make you feel.
I have my two fur babies and they are my life , loyal unlike humans. I have just left a friendship my choice because I have had no support at all it had started making me feel angry and I have lost… read more
Does Anyone Else Have A Fear Of Talking To Family Or Friends About Depression Or Suicidal Thoughts
I have been forced in and out of phych hospitals since I was a teen. Now even when I have no intentions of harming myself. I find my self unable to share depression symptoms or self harm thoughts with anyone especially close friends and family due to the fear they may over react and try to control my life or have me hospitalized again. This keeps me even more isolated because I worry I won’t be able to keep up the act that I’m happy and fine when I spend time with them. Has anyone else had this… read more
Unfortunately people “don’t get it” until they get it!
Was Wondering On Anyone's Bad Days Do They Ever Feel Numb Inside?
Hard to describe this but I mean like does anyone feel numb at times but just carries on with daily life. Like as if you don't want to do anything. You feel nothing but no point explaining to anyone knowing they won't understand as they haven't been through depression and that?
Yes alot of the time
How Do You Cope With Depression While Being The Only Caregiver For Your Family Members Who Are In Physically Worse Shape Than You Are?
I am not yet eligible for retirement with full benefits and have to work, but I have no "free" time (this time I post while waiting to see if I have to accompany a family member to the emergency room—now becoming a daily occurrence) and am simply a bundle of nerves. I am taking care of my blood pressure and have asked for help from friends, which my family will not accept because they are "strong."
Go ahead and accept the fact that you got the shit end of the deal. Not a whole lot you can solve with this unless you are able to provide in-home care.
Do You Think You Would Be Comfortable Seeing A MDT Member And Talking To Them, Or Would You Rather Remain Anonymous?
Comfort level seeing team members out of the site, in real life.
I would love to meet anyone in the rural west Tn. area. All you need is to let me know. Would like to know anyone who suffers from this horrible disease and understands what it does to you.
Depression, Family And Stigma
Do your family members know about your depression, and are they supportive?
Do you find that you have to hide your status in fear of being labelled a "crazy person?"
Some things just shouldn’t be in the light some can’t handle it
How To Answer About Suicide And After
Someone asked me why people commit Suicide when they’re going to hell all I could say from my own life is that not really thinking where your going but person still didn’t understand and even thinks I’ll dying people shouldn’t take there life that’s a sin too so how would you answer that to someone who’s also old and religious ?
I'm an atheist. The only hell is the one here on Earth.
Never believe someone who tells you that there's a vengeful god.
Why Do People Not Take Me Seriously When I Say I Have Depression?
I am 19 which is quite young I understand, but whenever I try to talk to someone about being depressed or how I have a mental illness a lot of people just say I am being over dramatic when I have been diagnosed by a psychiatrist and have been admitted before. Why don't people believe me? Is it just cause of my age?
I think it’s because it’s been overlay, discussed, and diagnosed and opinionated by person who do not suffer our problems, it simply been Overly discussed without the seriousness that comes with it
Can Anyone Help?
Okay so I've self harmed again, and I've told my parents but now I'm getting the if your grandparents find out it will break them apart they will be so upset and my Aunty is asking if I had ever thought about self harming and my mother said no
I also had my parents say if I cut again they going to section me and it's making me annoyed and I don't want to talk or open up to them because of it
I feel like a failure and a disappointment to everyone that's how it makes me feel
Thank you all for your reply I haven't self harmed in two weeks, and I gave my mother some links for her to read
How Do You Deal With Someone Who Wants You Depressed?
My dad isn't as bad as he used to be, but sometimes I can be in a good mood and he'll fuss at me until I'm not. I live with my parents so I can't avoid him. Before I was diagnosed with high functioning autism he wouldn't stop until I cried. My uncle, who I thankfully don't have to deal with anymore, did the same thing.