New Zealand Petition
After having major problems in 2017 changing from Efexor-XR to Enlafax-XR, we want to try and get the process around funding of alternate brands of medication changed to make it less restrictive.
Please help by signing and sharing this petition.
There is also a Facebook page for people who have been affected by this - "ENLAFAX - problems with medication brand change NZ" please join if you have been or know of someone who was.
i've been on same medications for years and it hasn't changed,,,its the lack of sleep that really pisses me off and the medications um on for sleep do little to nothing and i usually have to resort to… read more
New Zealand Petition For Medication Brand Change
Helen has started a petition to try and get our Government to take notice and start funding Effexor-XR again, Enlafax (the generic medication) has badly affected a lot of people but trying to get anything done about it is near impossible. Being on Effexor-XR is now very expensive as it is no longer funded at all, and many people with mental illness are on limited income.
Please sign and share this petition.
Thank you.
Through insurance I pay for my own meds here in the US.
How many of you have been diagnosed as suffering with PTSD even though you do not have outbursts of anger?
What is the criteria for PTSD?
I do not need to know your specific triggers, etc...just generalities here is fine. Thanks to any who will respond.
@A MyDepressionTeam Member
Thank you Susan.
I compassionate you for your pain which I am glad to hear you are healing from moving forward may Peace be with you.
Anyone Have SEVERE Nightmares??? The Most Horrible Night Of My Life!!!! SNAKES!!!!
I’ve never had a night like last night. Haven’t slept soundly in months... initially felt wonderful until nightmares started and last for what felt like hours!!!
I get nightmares occasionally, used to all the time, med helped, but talking and figuring out what my triggers are helped more,
Fear And Dreams
Does anyone else wake up in the middle of from having dreams of what you fear ?
Do they happen more than once to where you don’t wanna sleep even at 1am ?
How do you deal with them ?
Stephanie it’s hard to do when all of the monsters are there at once and it’s so called family
Mirena IUD And Depression (for The Ladies)
Hi People,
So I am curious, I have now had a IUD in for coming up 10 years (well technically this current one is my 2nd one) and I have been thinking I am going to need to have it removed next year - this causes me major fear as the first and second ones were both inserted under general anesthetic (I also had laparoscopies at the time), I have also never given birth and I am terrified about the pain of having it removed.
Also on doing a bit of reading this evening I have started to wonder if… read more
I think you should talk to a nurse or your doctor about your anxiety regarding this . Your fears may be unfounded and I am sure they will do what they can to make you comfortable.
Hi, anyone in South Africa?
As I look at the symptoms, I believe I might have depression, I would like to know what I can do to start off with the treatment process. How do I get a diagnosis? I am unemployed currently, do not have money for to see a doctor, no medical aid, can I go to the clinic? Its difficult to talk to family and friends as I feel they would just advice that I should pray on it and it will all become better. Thank you for your time.
All cities and counties usually have mental health clinics that Charge U according to ur income for services tey the SAMSHA website
Can Our Posts In The Activity Be Seen On The My Depression Team Page On Facebook Or Do You Have To Join To See Them?
Great question, I also wanted to know that.
Can Anyone Tell Me How To Stay Logged On To This Site? It Kicks Me Out Every Time I Leave The Page.
I like this website. But how annoying to have to log in every single time.
Make sure you enable cookies in your browser; that helps. :)
Violent Nightmares
What can I do to not have violent nightmares? Has anyone on this site had or dealt with violent nightmares please help I’m desperate for answers! I also just had knee surgery and I’m not sure if the pain meds are affecting my psych meds!
I agree about going back to sleep after having a violent nightmare