How Do I Change My City And State? It Keeps Showing Siloam Springs, AR. But I Just Moved To Catoosa, Oklahoma.
I believe you can just go to your profile and change it there. Go to Edit my profile. I could be wrong on this but I'm looking at it as doing it the same way as you would on Facebook or Messenger. I… read more
Can Someone Please Tell Me How I Can Do An Invite Or Send This Group Information To My Daughter In Wisconsin? Thank You.
Hi, How Is Everyone Doing Today?
I can't go to bed early for any reason at all, sigh. Sure wish I could, but I was a night shift person for many years, and I can't break the habit now. An early night for me would be 3am.
I Need A Hobby. But Every Time I Think To Do Something I Get Exhausted And Depressed. Ok, Not A Question. Just A Comment😮💨
Find a easy craft on Tedoo then do a little of it everyday till you can work on it right through the finished project. Good Luck
Why Can't I Go To "post On Feed " Anymore?
@A MyDepressionTeam Member or @A MyDepressionTeam Member are either of you working and can help out @A MyDepressionTeam Member with his posting issue please?
I Am Depressed And Not Doing Anything When Allocate A Task And Manager Says Something About To Handle This Situation And Do Well
I Am Taking Prozac And Have Experienced Myoclonus Like Jerks But Taking Gabapentin And It Is Helping.
I have major depressive disorder and anxiety disorder.
Yes,I take gabapentin and tizanadine...I have osteoarthritis for 30 yrs diagnosed at 40.The doctors said if I didn't get out of the nursing field it would only get worse. From 1972 until 2011.I loved… read more
Has Anyone Experienced Myoclonus Like Jerks At Night From Taking Prozac? Actually, My Doctor Has Me On Gabapentin And I Think It Is Helping.
Thank you for letting me know.
I Keep Asking This Question With No Answers. I'll Try One More Time. Anyone Tried TMS And If Yes, What Were The Results???
I am sorry I have never tried this.