Relationships: Does Anyone Feel That They Take Breakups Harder Than The "average" Person?
I have always been very effected by breakups but didn't realize how much worse I seem to take it compared to others until recently when I noticed how my daughter is effected by rejection. I seem more willing to put up with a man's bad behaviors than most. I make excuses for them. I only seem to try to find the positive in these men but nothing else. I know all about how this could be because of low self-esteem and wanting validation from my father as well as just being depressed but... I don't… read more
Maybe take a look at the book "The Highly sensitive person". It has a great perspective. Taking qualities that are thought of by society as 'weak' and justifying them in a really powerful way. I can say- I am not too sensitive. I am extremely perceptive and empathetic. I often feel things 'deeper' than others. Sounds like your daughter? :)
A few years ago I came across a book called love and limerence , by Dorothy Tennov. I highly recommend it. I've found no studies on the connections between Limerence and deppression but I'm sure that they are related somehow. There is another site dedicated to the subject of Limerence . I've suffered with them both but dealing with my depression is my priority on this site.
I'm kind of the same which is probably unusual for a man lol. Despite everything my wife has done to me and even though we haven't lived together for a year now, I can't get her out of my head. We still have contact cos of the kids. Even now, I feel good when I hear her voice or see her. By rights I should hate her guts but first some reason I just can't do it!!!!
I wish I could talk to him, hear his voice again. But he won't have any thing to do with me at all. I still love him even though I shouldn't. I miss everything about him. He made me so happy just to be near him. Now I'm more miserable than ever.
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