Are There Any Other Young Parents With Severe Depression, Anxiety And PTSD Here..?
Hello,y name is Violet and I am 18 years old. I am a young mother and have the sweetest 6 month old baby boy.
I have severe depression, anxiety and PTSD. I lost all of my friends when I fell pregnant, and have since had no one really to talk to. Are there any other young parents here? Looking for friends
Not technically a parent yet (pregnant with first) but I am more than happy to be your friend. I struggle with depression, self harm, anxiety, bipolar, and borderline personality disorder.
I have PTSD but no children though however I have a lot of friends in your situation who felt isolated after becoming parents, it's safe to say it passes. It really does get better you'll begin to attract people who will care about you who will most likely be a little older but there's nothing wrong with that. Hang in there :)
Well, I am 46 but will tell you this. I got married at 17 and had my son at 18 and most of my friends parents ended our relationships for us. I had to find new friends even with people a little older than I was that had children as well. I am sorry if you are feeling all alone and I hope you find some people your age that you can hang out with and talk to. I did so I know it is possible. Hang in there and don't give up because it will be ok. Things always get better even when it doesn't feel like they will. Hugs.
Hi my name is Liz I was pragnant at the age of 18 years I lost my baby to a miscarriage. I'm now 27 years old. I suffer from Major Deppression and everyday Anxiety. I think I have a bit of PTSD i have breakdowns easily when it comes to talking about being pragnant. I have a partner now and we are trying to receive but we are having no luck yet. It stills feel like i can feel kicking inside me at times. It is hard to know if I'm pragnant or not due to my past. I've been suffering deppression since i was 6 years old of age. 21 years of deppression.
@A MyDepressionTeam Member thank you.. I hope it passes soon.
Is Anyone Diagnosed With An Additional Mental Disorder?