What Does Everyone Do To Help Them With Suicidal Thoughts?
Just trying to figure out new things to help me with my thoughts
I go for a walk, listen to music anything to get myself calm. Suicide thoughts come in waves and if u can put yr thoughts on something else it will let those waves go by.
Mindfulness is really helpful
Always always tell your Doctor your thoughts... you are not and I mean not alone
Think of the things you have achieved in your life and the hard times that you have already successfully got through.
Talk to someone if possible.
For me the turning point was nearly dying from an OD - I realised actually I don't want to die even though at the time I really thought I did, it made me think what the hell am I doing this for - the only person I was hurting was myself and my family/friends.
Trying to distract yourself from the feelings/thought's - by doing something nice for yourself.
Thoughts pass, thoughts are not the truth. Our minds can make new thoughts. don't be alone with suicidal thoughts. Call a helpline. Best thing to do - don't keep the thoughts to yourself - they go around and around (churning!). Tell someone, and it has somewhere to go...and become a conversation.
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