Can You Be Friends With Your Ex?
Is it a good idea to stay friends with your ex-partner or is it better to cut ties?
I am still in love with him, he still cares a lot about me but I don't know if he is in love with me anymore. I don't know how to live without him so I want to keep him in my life as a friend. Is this a bad idea?
This is off the question of being friends with your ex but does address the problem of loneliness. Depression can make you withdraw from society and is one of its biggest challenges. There is no easy way out and you have to force yourself to go to places where you can make new friends.
What are your interests? This is also an issue with depression as you often withdraw from those as well.
There are voluntary organizations that need assistance and it is a good way to meet people and boost your mood knowing you are doing something worthwhile.
When I am feeling lonely, which is one of my symptoms, I go through my phone book and pick a friend to call. You have to pick the funny ones! I sometimes feel like I have no friends and need my little black book to jog my memory.
Good luck. Maybe you can stay friends if you both recognize the boundaries set by him being an ex.
Sometimes it's best to just let go of certain people in your life. Let him go do what he needs to do... and get on with your own life. Otherwise, the longer it goes on, the harder it will be when he does decide to move on without you. Get out and about and meet new people, not for intimate relationships, but just form new friendships and see how you cope when you have more people around you.
In my experience, and this of course, by no means is an indication of what you should or shouldn't do... it's better to move on.
I agree with Iain. It complicates things and you are going to feel so hurt if he starts to move on and you have to be his friend through it all. It is better to cut ties.
My exh and I stayed friends. I don’t have friends. I still love him but he doesn’t love me. It is hard sometimes, but he knows my depression like no one else.
I think some do, mutual breakup,. Other's stay on the other side of the world I don't think one fits all situations.
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