Anyone Familiar With Sertraline?
I've just been prescribed sertraline today after telling the doctor my previous medication wasn't doing the job. She's put me on 100 mg and said I need to cut down more on smoking weed which while having a few spliffs is something I do to chill out, I realise it's become a problem for me as well. Has anyone ever been on this medication before, what are the first few days like, what side effects could I expect even though I'm hungover today so I'm not sure I'll be feeling great until I get some… read more
Night time before you go to bed is the best time to take this medication. It should help quiaten your mind and help with the lack of sleep.
Hope this helps Sarah.
I take sertraline 150mg in the morning. They seem to be the only drug that works for me .
Its does give you strange dreams
I took them but they didn't work for me but hopefully they work for u xx
It worked well for me for many year's. It recently stopped working and had to change it.. I smoked weed while on it and the two dont mix well. Now i have been weed free for over 5yrs now.
Stopping smoking is far harder than stopping the weed. After about two wks it didn't bother me, every now and again i think I could do with a joint but its only fleeting.
Hope it works 4 you.
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