Has Anyone Else Heard Of This Term Or Know How To Deal With It
Yes it's where someone has feelings for their abusive captor, like a kidnapped child feeling empathy, learning to trust and love their kidnapper.
Thanks Amber have you experienced it yourself? I've detached from my childhood abuser well the main one at least...and I've written off other family members who haven't been good for me, as best I can. But my current situation is a bit complicated and its harder that its not physical...
Wow good for you. Luckily I don't have to deal with physical abuse. Its the emotional cycle I need to break.
I looked it up. It is when the dominant person in a relationship beats, verbally abuses, demands sexual favours and the abused doesnt leave as they rewarded every 3 mths ( I was abused verbally and physically) with chocs or flowers and empty promises. You cant just walk away. It breaks uou down to nothing and the abuser has full control. I left 8 times and always landed up going back. I broke his ribs and left all my finger prints on his arms the last time he abused me. Yes, I had pms and had nice brand new hikng boots on. I told him that it would be the last time he would ever hit me and the next time I will kill him.
No I dont know it.
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