Does Your Depression Affect Your Goals In Life That You Just Don't Care About Them Sometimes?
Setting goals helps you focus on something to give you hope in moving forward. With depression it can cause you to give up and not care about anything. Does your depression get really bad that you have no interest in anything at all?
Absolutely, some days it's worse than others but the most important thing is to recognise that it's the challenge that is making you feel like that... force yourself if you have to, to keep on making notes and writing down goals... it really does work to help you feel like you are actually accomplishing things
When you have nobody around or to talk to you can't set goals...i have a serious illness andl its an unseen illness..very scary being alone and sick and nothing to look forward to...
My depression affects my goals on a daily basis and has for years. My Dr. recently added a second anti-depressant for me to take daily. I struggle to get out of bed and lately, I simply brush my teeth and my hair and move to my sofa to watch television. I can't seem to break out of this pattern. I have learned how to order all my groceries on line (Amazon) and I hardly ever leave my home. I have a friend that brings me my medications and will also pick up whatever item(s) I may ask for (vodka, wine, etc). I don't feel like doing anything at all. For instance, If my can of pop (soda) is empty and I am thirsty, I will look at the empty can and have to mentally prepare myself to get up off the sofa. Sometimes I do, sometimes, I don't. It is very hard to have motivation to do ANYTHING. I used to see psychologists on at least a weekly basis, but since I have been depressed for so many years, I have kind of just accepted that I am stuck where I am. I have not found any help in repeating what makes me depressed and I have yet to find any medications or theories that have "fixed" my mentality. I fear I do less and less and less everyday. I stopped getting dressed a couple months ago. I change my pajamas when I need to and I only shower/bath the same. Since I don't do anything, I really don't get "dirty". I do take care of personal hygiene daily, but that's about it. EVERYTHING is a chore :( Anyone else feel the same way?
Yes, it does. I write almost every day. But sometimes that just isn't enough. I find myself walking around feeling hollow inside. pressure on the outside of me. These are the times when a drink would feel just fine. Then it passes, that becomes my goal for that moment. Then the mirror becomes me and I live for another day.
Absolutely. Sometimes I wonder where I'll be in five years or in ten. Sometimes I wonder if I'll even last another week. My depression makes everything seem overwhelming and impossible, so sometimes I don't even bother trying.
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