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Does Any Of You Exprience Chronic Fatigue That Makes It Hard To Have Enough Energy To Function Properly An Do Things You Once Could?

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭
Vancouver, BC

Hey, do you ever feel that way
I feel really heavy often and I lack the energy to even converse with people
When I play sports I run out of breath very quickly and I used to be a competitive athlete with amazing cardio.
I've done all the tests out there and keep going back to my GP and my doc what else can we test and do about it.
Of course all th tests came back negative. It's been lasting for about 3 years now and is so debilitating. I also feel slow and sluggish often.
Do you… read more

December 22, 2016
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A MyDepressionTeam Member

I think it’s called Psycho Motor Retardation, basically your anxiety or depression is working constantly in the background and constantly draining you of energy 24/7 even whilst you sleep, like like a current drain in a cars electrical circuit.

I know the science behind it but I’m afraid I don’t have any answers I’ve tried many things to combat it with varying degrees of limited success but it doesn’t last long.

Psycho Motor Retardation is explained in the first few minutes of this video from Stanford University, it’s a very informative video about depression, this professor really understands and explains it well

July 6, 2021
A MyDepressionTeam Member

Don't you just love it when they tell you to get out more or go for long walks or, the craziest of all advice, to join a gym?. It shows that those you pay to help you, don't know what to do and they won't offer you a discount either.
I have given up on them and now take my days as they come, so if there is dust on the table or a lopsided curtain in my house, it's fine by me, I'm learning to love myself and the rest can just hike on by. Take care of yourself first. OKAY?.

June 23, 2018
A MyDepressionTeam Member

Yes, I have had chronic fatigue for a long time ... worse after my Mother's death. Goes along with the depression and anxiety - adrenal exhaustion. The cortisol is running through my brain and body 24/7 and that, along with a bad diet creates it. I am unable to work, after being out for about 4 hours in the day I'm done. I have to rest on the lounge. Not out of laziness, but need to regenerate my energy! I know I have to have a better diet and exercise but I lack motivation. Its a bit of a catch 22. If I had a mentor or exercise & diet "buddy" it would definately help, but I don't. I worry constantly about work, relationships (or lack of), feeling totally unfulfilled and wasted, isolated, rejected by loved ones and lonely etc. All that worry and the cortisol makes everything worse. I force myself to get outdoors at least.

April 1, 2018
A MyDepressionTeam Member

The fatigue induces the anxiety because I am constantly worrying about what I need to do. I work part-time long shifts and study and my focus is non-existent at times.

There are so many things i want to do i have a young son and a dog and my energy levels prevent activities.
Its rubbish feeling like this. It's not about the sleep you get as if i have 8 hours i still wake up feeling tired and brain foggy.

If i have a good productive day I feel so happy but then, the next day i pay for it and so the cycle continues

March 30, 2018
A MyDepressionTeam Member

Yes, sometimes the most basic of daily tasks can seem overwhelming

June 24, 2018

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