My Adults Sons Moved In. Off Their Meds. Feeling Overwhelmed.
My adults sons moved in with me. One is bipolar, drinks and smokes weed. The other has major depression and anxiety. Both are off their meds. They are not working. One son got kicked out of Job Corp. Which is a vocational training center, due to drug use.
I am struggling with my own major depression, anxiety and chronic pain. Feeling overwhelmed. If I kick them out they will be homeless. Need advice. Thanks.
Sometimes you need think about you
i had to tell my adult son ( who has many problems including addiction ) that he had a choice, if he wanted to stay with me he had to stay clean, and have a job. if he couldn't find a job he had to volunteer and be out of the house as if he was working. .. he couldn't manage it so he " chose " to leave. i had to change locks on my door so he could not get in and he was homeless.. stayed at friends then to homeless shelter.. i couldn't continue to enable him any longer. nothing changes if nothing changes. an alanon or mental health support group for family members might help you, it helped me set boundaries and learn to take care of my self first, and detach with love to my very troubled son. when I did that he found help and is doing some better.. one day at a time..
I know how hard it is dealing with adult children with issues when you are struggling with your own problems. I don't know the relationship you have with your I wouldn't try and give you my opinion....I just wanted to tell you that whatever you do will be a hard involves your kids....and whatever you do choose has to be right for you. You have to live with your choices and only you know exactly what you should do in the best interests of you, and also the boys. I empathize, coz I've been there, & I don't envy you. Use your friends and other family members to help you keep strong. I hope that it all works out for you....
Thank you everyone for the advice. Seeking professional help, may have to help sons get into supportive housing for the mentally ill. It's a challenge, since they do not take their medications and refuse to follow basic house rules. They may become homeless. Very sad about it. Both sons have high IQ's but their illness and drug use have derailed their lives. Hoping for the best outcome. Thanks again.
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