Do You Find That Working Out Or Any Form Of Exercise Actually Improves Your Mood?
I use to work out a long time ago. But I remember not enjoying it (I'm super lazy). Still I find many people, even therapists, recommending it. So might as well get your opinions on it.
I watched a documentary recently... Dancing (any form) is Fun & maintains good muscle mass compared to the Gym which is Dull & maintains less Muscle mass. So Haks turn up some dancing music & Just Dance... Its an Holistic approach... Every bit of your Body, Mind & Soul will benefit!... :)
I have been a powerlifting for over 20 years. It's the only place I can relax and leave my demons at the door.
I work out three times a week for 90 minutes with a group of people around my age at a small hospital based wellness center. We all know each other and have become friends. I enjoy the socialization and feel better after exercising.
Yes, exercising helps my mood. I am 63, so I don't over do it, but it makes me feel better.
I'm also lazy AF! Lol!!! I never thought i'd even have a gym membership. But gyms are so cool these days. there are so many interesting classes for different people. I started with yoga becasue i use to do it before i joined the gym so i started with that and then gradually moved to more active classes like dance kick boxing - i loved it, got gloves and everything! it made me feel so strong, like a champion!! but i moved to spinning because the routines started being monotonous. So i'm currently spinning and that's also fun because i can do the class at my own pace...try different stuff out and you'll find your rhythm. I also enjoy speed walking, but brisk walking is also beneficial, skipping also.
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