Does Anybody Use Blogging To Help Them Cope Or Vent/release Their Stress
I have recently started blogging and it is a great way for me to release any built up stress, i was wondering if anybody does the same or has tried and how did you feel after?
Oh yes!! Blogging works for me🤗
I think that’s why we are all on this website
Personally (On suggestion by my girlfriend) I prefer a good old fashioned notebook, as I feel that whenever I am anxious, I can vent in a manner that allows me to channel my anger through the pen and into what I am writing down
I use the Whisper app to vent
@A MyDepressionTeam Member I will have to have a look at that app, @A MyDepressionTeam Member I have got a little too carried away with blogging, I now have my own website with 5 of my own blogs and 4 guest blogger that have contributed.
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