Firstly, How Do YOU Pull Yourself Out Of Deep, Dark, "funks" When They Hit? AND, Do People Think You're (down) On PURPOSE?
Thank you for your insight and information, Michelle Rush...ESP. when you write "unless they want me to get worse"; THAT is what many people I know need to be told--and IF they "get it," great...if not, TOUGH BEANS! Take care.
Well said like I say I've did my best and if people still don't get me oh well! Turn the page and move forward.
I don't tell anybody anything.... Not really a good idea ..but just can't. This is why its good to write it here. I 'm a coward your all so brave to talk about even if you don't get the right response..
I have totally given up on my family, who think I am attention seeking. I was getting really spiteful remarks. I also have osteoporosis arthritis and Parkinson's disease. Which doesn't help depression. My lifeline is that currently, I can drive. The Samaritan's have helped too, when I just wanted to let go.
People who have never experienced depression may dismiss your feelings, however don't let their judgements bother you. You are a unique person and no one else can tell you how to feel. When I am in a dark place I cry lots and don't want to leave the house. Luckily I am a caregiver which helps me take my mind off my own miserys and try to make another more comfortable.Trying to get out and walk abit helps, I started crocheting again which helps me relaxe. Good luck Janie and trust your insticts
Healing Emotional Trauma
Does Anyone Know Anything About Borderline Personality Disorder?
How Do You Get Out Of A Funk?