How Do I Face The Future?
I'm supposed to be looking for a job.
Resigned from the last place three months ago with the intention of moving on to bigger and better things. Find something I actually enjoy, and for which I'm not horrendously underpaid. Left before I had something else lined up because I felt my soul being sucked from my body little by little every day. Could no longer handle it.
By now I should at least have secured a few interviews, but I haven't even updated my fucking resumé. It should be such a… read more
I am glad to hear that! It's good to have a job you like. Have you been able to get your own place yet?
Are you taking anti-depressants? Please see a psychiatrist. He or she can adjust meds to fit your situation. I suggest regular counseling. You might benefit from group therapy as well. Seeing how other people with depression are or are not coping might be a help to you. If you can go a bit without a full time job financially, perhaps try volunteering in a field that has intrinsic value to you, where you can see and feel how your work is helping others. For instance, I love dogs. So, I volunteer at my local SPCA, cuddling and reading to their dogs in the dog kennels. It helps them, and it makes me feel good. It feeds my soul.
Don't give up.
Ha I to know that without God in my life I would not of survived this long. Praise God he is so so good to his childrenxxx
@A MyDepressionTeam Member We've changed it so many times. Usually works for a few months, whereafter everything goes wrong. I realize that it could take several tries to hit upon the optimal regimen, and even then it may have to be adjusted periodically. But this, to me, is getting ridiculous. Very disheartening.
try to complete a resume..if you aren't sure how, look it up on the computer.
New Zealand Petition
New Zealand Petition For Medication Brand Change
Mirena IUD And Depression (for The Ladies)