Tips For Low Confidence/disliking Appearance
Does anyone have any tips for building confidence, and liking your appearance more? Even though people tell me I'm beautiful and thin, I feel hideous and fat. My lack of confidence and low self esteem has affected my life A LOT, and has stopped me from doing a lot of things. I can't go out very often because I have CFS, but my hatred for my appearance definitely makes not wanting to go out worse. I started getting an eating disorder a few years ago, and even though I'm a lot better now than I… read more
Self esteem is tricky. Everyone around you can say you pretty but if you don't believe it, it will never add up to anything. Self talk helps .. what you say to yourself everyday eventually becomes reality. "I am beautiful" "I am worth having a good life" I am me and i am imperfectly perfect just the way God made me.
You are beautiful! Look at yourself and keep telling yourself that. What others say or think says a lot about them and not you! Bless you!
Well i went to counceling which helped. But my youngest sister helps to anytime i mention about being fat or anything she slaps me with positive enforcement. But myself i practice looking in the mirror saying im beautiful inside and out etc on a regular basis it helps to. Also when i see others that are quite worse then me i know it sounds mean... but i think wow i could look worse like that if i let myself go which i could never do. But makes me feel good that how i think in my head is not how it is on the outside at all!
radically accepting it and what is the diet if i may ask?
I have struggled with this for so long and honestly i had to put myself slightly out of my comfort zone to make myself see I wasn't what I originally saw. I wore a tight tank top that i used to hide under sweatshirts, then I got compliments and saw that I was wrong. It is not a quick process but nothing truly is! You could also try taking sticky notes and most them around your mirror with positive thoughts about yourself so you see them and read them frequently.
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