Has Anyone Ever Had ECT? What Were The Circumstances? Did It Help You? Would You Go Through It Again?
@A MyDepressionTeam Member I would encourage you to go ahead with the ECT. I had it a number of years ago...they had to put me in the hospital first to get me off of drugs I was on. The only side effects I've heard of is short term memory loss. It's a complicated procedure (getting you ready for the ECT) but it only lasts a couple seconds I believe. I woke up after the first treatment with an incredible headache. Bad bad headache. But I was prone to headaches back then. I had about 8 or 9 treatments. Before the ECT I was suicidal....it was get the treatments or kill myself....awful awful feelings. If you have anymore questions let me know. I'll try my best to answer them.
Yeah I've tried a handful of meds but nothing has worked so that's the only alternative left because I'm tired of living like this
I have had ECT 4 separate times over the years. For me it has helped for a few months but then it all comes back again. But it has helped many other people. Depends on why they suggest it to you. If your body resists the medications then i can sugggest it.
I'm all about the procedure however my mother is afraid it'll mess me up more than the brain surgeries already have plus my grandfather's new wife's x husband went through it an it made him extremely worse course this was years ago when he had it when it was considered something out of a horror movie but all this aside now my mother is all parnoid
I'm looking into ect treatments myself I've had medication resistant depression for 2 1/2 years now i have googled ect treatment side effects an a lot of it isn't positive but @ this point it's my last hope
Experience With Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
How To Answer About Suicide And After
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