Is It Me Overreacting Or Is Everyone Else Just Under Reacting To The Global Events Today?
Definitely under reacting to the crazy, crazy stuff going on in this world. Iām worried for the future of our society and the wellbeing of our planet.
In this country we are living mate there is under reaction to the nonsense we are heading for. Been through the war in Zim as a kid. We are not scared if we react to this. It is very worrying. Do what you can without getting locked up and be very careful. In all honesty I am worried.
I'm glad that I'm old, but I worry so much about my children and grandchildren. This is a terrifying world that we live in. Amazing how one person could cause so much @A MyDepressionTeam Member May I ask where you're from?
This very thing where I live is causing me great anxiety. I am scared to be alone in this written off country, when I get seriously old.
There is just too much going on - so instead of reacting appropriately, it is easier to simply let it wash over us...
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