How Do You Guys Manage The 'obvious' Physiological Symptoms Of Anxiety, Such As Shaking, Breathlessness And Dizziness?
For as long as I can remember I have suffered with Tremors, breathlessness and dizziness. In particularly stressful instances or times of severe low mood and depression, these symptoms worsen. How do you manage these symptoms?
When I have an anxiety attack where I am gasping for air, I do my best to focus on relaxing my chest and slowing my breathing. Then I continue to breathe deeply and slowly. Breathing is the only thing that provides me with relief. For preventative measures I practice meditation. The app "Insight Timer" has lots of guided meditations that I find helpful.
Stress makes our symptoms so much worse and can trigger an anxiety attack. If you can anticipate stress begin before or as soon as possible using the stress reduction methods that work for you. When I anticipate stress, I rest, eat well, start sharing with my support team, there are lots of ways people manage stress.
Are there things that help you before you are in a panic mode?
Could it be meds? Maybe a different antidepressant or maybe adding medicine for anxiety? I have to take a number of meds for both depression and anxiety. Since your symptoms got worse with med change may be a sign. Good luck
I find that it's a constant mode for me now. I have always had these symptoms but the last year or so has made them much worse. When I started my antidepressants it only made the symptoms worse, I guess through the side effects. I have a very supportive partner and try my absolute best to rest and relax but I just can't move forward from the symptoms!
Hi , in my experience with anxiety attacks and stress it does aggrivate ,i have found that mindfullness does help and if it is your liking ,exercise helps me alot walking , gym in a small group and swimming can evrn help lift mood the endorphins kick in
How Do You Manage Lightheadedness/dizziness Associated To Anxiety?
New Zealand Petition
How Do You Manage To Not Feel Bad About Yourself If You Can't Work Because Of Your Anxiety And Depression?