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Did Someone Experienced Self Deprecating?

A MyDepressionTeam Member asked a question 💭
Toronto, ON

Self deprecating is all over my speech ,is someone else having that.

July 27, 2017
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A MyDepressionTeam Member

Same here. I keep it to myself, but I am always downing myself or second guessing myself. What I do is say the opposite of what I think. So if I think "You are a loser" then I say "You are a winner." If it comes out in conversation like someone says "You're really smart" then I say "Usually I don't think I am". I want to change that so I've been saying "I read a lot." Which is true and helps the other person if they think they're dumb. You learn a lot just by reading and so when you share the info you have learned you come off as a genius.

July 28, 2017
A MyDepressionTeam Member

I find it much easier to give compliments, etc. and I deflect the attention when someone says something nice to me. I avoid having my picture taken, and am very hard on myself about my looks etc.

July 27, 2017
A MyDepressionTeam Member

I am trying not to put myself down, but it is hard. I don't accept compliments very well either. I always feel like I don't do a good enough job no matter what I do. Trying hard to change as I realize you can't get any enjoyment out of anything if you are always sabotaging yourself.

July 27, 2017
A MyDepressionTeam Member

I too feel the same way as @A MyDepressionTeam Member does and then I remind myself that there's people that are here to live for family and friends and then I try to reconnect with them sometimes it's difficult but sometimes not so much and then when you talk to them about life you start to think you know I thought things were bad for me until I listened to her or his story that's going on in thier lives and mine doesn't seem so bad and you give them advice and tell them your story and they give you advice and it seems to help somewhat more than when you felt at your whits end or ready to throw in the towel or to end your life and it makes you feel less depressed than before I don't know that's how I deal with things sometimes hope it helps with what your going through and it helps to have this site to go to as well and have friends that knows what your going through and give great advice and lots of hugs!!!

August 2, 2017
A MyDepressionTeam Member

@A MyDepressionTeam Member oh yes you would be missed! Very much so !
While we think we don't play an important part in anyone's life, we actually do!
For anyone to think and feel as though life would be better if we could just " exit stage left"
It wouldn't be.

Each of us has someone in our lives that cares about us, that loves us, that needs us... whether we know it or not. We never know the positive impact we have on someone.
( yeah believe it or not we all have positive moments! Lol)

It wouldn't be unfair to them , to ourselves , if we just "checked out."
Oh please don't think I'm getting upset with you.
It's not that all. I wouldn't want you to " rewrite your own script " with an understudy!

And ...
It's... I hear ... from so many young people that they can't handle life. Heck they haven't lived yet! They're ready to quit in their 20's !

Lawdy,Lawdy,Lawdy, they don't even have
" ring around the collar " yet.
Shoot they don't know what a collar is!
( ooopps that was unfair I see them with those black studded ones on!)

Here I am trying to make funnies
( sometimes that's how I deal) and you're looking for answers and I have none. I apologize)

I just want you to know ... well... I'm here if you want to talk. Or ....there's always someone here that'll listen.
What you're feeling ... several of us have had those thoughts too... it's okay to feel that way...

Hopefully you'll get to feeling better soon.
I wish you much love and joy for today.
Many huggz

July 30, 2017

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