Energy Drinks Or Coffee?
Can anyone else drink energy drinks or coffee and NOT have anxiety? I would never drink either if Im having anxiety but neither one has ever caused my anxiety to happen. I dont drink coffee but once a month if that and I only drink energy drinks once a week or every other week. I would never drink one if Im having anxiety but I drink nothing but water any other time and I get anxiety. The energy drinks I drink are zero calories and zero sugar.
Im just wondering if anyone else can?
it calms me actually but i may be a bit addicted to it
Actually, yes. I can, but only because I'm genetically predisposed to process caffeine quicker than most people. I had a genetic test done to find out how I processed certain medications, and one of the genes I found out works super fast/well, and my psychiatrist told me it's also the gene that processes caffeine.
So that explains why caffeinated drinks have never affected me in any sort of way. I just drink coffee for the flavor, I suppose. Maybe that's why they don't cause you to get anxiety?
Also, if you wanted to drink coffee or sodas or whatever more often, you could try getting decaffeinated versions, those may be less likely to activate your anxiety, too. Good luck! :)
Like Mark said get yourself 1 and just sip it if you start to feel comfortable then bin it on the other hand it may make you feel alert, I've had anxiety 20 odd years now and occasionally I'll have 1 2 3 or 4 some days without any problems buy 1 and take your time with it 😊
I drink loads of coffee ☕ and always have done. I never drink energy drinks, don't like them. Still the same even though I can't taste them any more. x 😻😸
I go back and forth, recently tried to quit caffeine all together lasted 2 weeks back on the coffee and yes have to navigate when I m dealing with high anxiety
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