How Can A God Fearing Person Belittle Someone?
I went numb today at an accusation made against me, no apology as it was false and then told to stop being so defensive and that I am digging a hole for myself. Then people ask why I dont go to church. Please help me out here.
@A MyDepressionTeam Member No one on this planet is free from sin. In this day and age, I believe we are in biblical end times and the bible tells us that deception, immorality and perversion will be out of control. We just need to look at the past 60 years and see how our morals have changed. Most churches focus on preaching the Good side of things. However the evil reigns supreme since Satan was cast from heaven to earth and all the fallen angels. They have being opposing Gods will on earth for millennia and are deceiving the masses. One has to really READ the bible to distinguish the truth. Even great spiritual leader are being driven by the Satanic realm. The spiritual realm is very real but receives little mention. How can I teach you what Cold is if you never experienced it because you live at the equator and always live at 35deg C. You have to know the existence of both states, hot and cold. God tells us in his word exactly how we should live. Did you ever read about Jesus belittling anyone during his time on earth ? Only kindness, even to those that persecuted him. DON'T ARGUE with such people who behave in an in-Christian manner and do not take offence. Everyone will account for their deeds one day. Some quotes: Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
With my depression I also have problems with going to church with hypocrites who always make me feel inferior. Praying for you.
Her boss is a narcissitist. He just had a disciplinary hearing brought on by me and 3 others of the 24 he taunted. I will face her down one of these days.
Sounds like the person you are talking about has narcissistic personality disorder.
They put ypu down, make you question your sanity and when you call them out they try to make you feel like your the bad person.
Nothing to do with god fearing.
Read up on narcissistic personality disorder and you will notice them around you more and more.
Keep away from them as they will feed on the negative emotions you have about yourself and will try and keep you like that so they can feel superior while they try distract themselves from the fact they hate themselves.
Sally, I would say that if you love that church, don't let anyone chase you out. Hang with the people you like, and don't engage at all with the person you are talking about. If she talks to you, just say nothing and walk away, because you can't win with a person like that, and they don't deserve any of your energy. It's like with other bullies --your response becomes fuel that feeds their fire, and you are the only one who gets burned. As far as why a person of faith belittles someone, I think it is because deeper down, they don't feel good about themselves, and try to boost their own ego by pushing someone else down. Just because this person is at church, doesn't mean they are listening to what is being said! Many times, what is going on emotionally with someone, has nothing to do with the religious beliefs they appear to hold! It may be a sincere delusion where she doesn't even see what she is doing to others, but more likely, she knows exactly what she is doing to, and lies to herself about her motivations for treating you and others that way.
LynnClare, I was thinking the same thing when I read Sally's post! It screams narcissistic personality disorder. It really doesn't do any good to argue or confront people like that. They will turn it on us every time, and we are the ones who suffer for it. Staying one's distance is really the only way to dodge that garbage. I was raised by a masterful set of narcissists. I learned to avoid putting anything in front of my mom that I knew would invite her caustic responses that were devastating to me. The surprise ambushes were the worst!
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