How Do You Handle It When People Want You To "get Better"? Is "getting Better" Even Possible?
"getting better" is words that nonstick people like to throw at us-or just get over it-or even "its just in your head". we have a disease-we can learn to live with it but it will never go away-its like diabitis-its manageable with meds and constant attention but it doesn't just "go away" so lets do our best to control and understand this beast....
I keep hearing that and I think I'm just still not getting it. It's always making everyone around happy. If I don't then my husband, family and son could all be gone. I hate feeling like I have to worry all the time: is he going to be normal nice tim or saying nasty things to me that at this point in my life are not true. Can someone ever trust and love you again when you completely lived a seperste life when you were using? I don't even think I would have taken him back the way I was. I'm not that person anymore but I think it may be too late. Trust is hard to get back.
You can only get better for yourself and yes you can get better. It has taken me years
I hear this all the time. It drives me crazy. Things in our lives. Change us sometimes. We can't help it. I try but feel I will never be that all the time happy girl who never put herself in danger and family, son and family through hell. That's just me though. I hope you can get back there:)
My word at the moment is determination as I am reducing some tablets to go on a different one got five weeks to reduce them
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