How Do I Stop My Negative Thoughts?
I have been having negative thoughts and waking up with heart palpitations I have also been sleeping alot lately I have been self medicating with drugs and alcohol not alot this is to either stop the thoughts or to sleep alot.. I feel supper slow and don't know how to stop this
I listen to music alot and this really helps, getting a dog and going for a walk helps to
I have suffered from depression since I was in my teens.
I find music helps my negative thoughts.
I attempted to turn my life around by focusing on helping others. Stops me thinking about myself .
I also walk to boost the serotonin in my brain.
I've had negative thoughts since my teens with on and off reactive depression. Cognitive behavioural therapy has really helped. A part of that is writing a costs/benefits analysis about the pros and cons of thinking that way. It sounds weird but it works. Also, my self esteem group had to name our inner critic so that it became separate from us. We learned phrases and words to say to tell the inner critic to bugger off, I'm not listening to you. Music and reading has also helped me.
I was raised in a very negative environment so negativity was ingrained in me from birth. The thing that has helped me most is behavioral therapy. They taught me and continue to teach me how to deal with that negative in my life. My Outlook has changed drastically and I think that I am on my way to being a positive person.
Listening to music. Forget about the song,but learn the words i find it helpful to distract myself away from negative thpught taking hold. Sing out loud. Read and try drawing to relax. Do quiz or crossword. Hope this helps. I suffer from an endless stream of very negative thoughts. But i try to stay positive. It will pass i say.
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