What Do You So When You See A Post From Someone In Immediate Need?
In the past few days I have seen more than one post from someone who's actively considering suicide. These range from people just wondering if they want to end it all to people actually contemplating methods of suicide. What do we do when we see these posts? I see a way to report posts that violate the terms of service, but what can we do if we see someone who's in immediate need of support, or in an emergency situation?
Hi, @A MyDepressionTeam Member Thanks for asking this question. If you see a member that you are concerned about their well being, please flag their post by selecting the orange circle with the white V.
There is an option called, "I'm concerned for a community member." We will follow up.
There is also a crisis page located under Quick Links, https://www.myhealthteams.com/crisis-support/
I work for MyDepressionTeam support. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to write us at (Email address can only be seen by the question and answer creators) or click 'Contact Us' under "Quick Links'.
@A MyDepressionTeam Member. If there's any way to post this on the main site please do. It was a problem I I've had several times. One gets frantic to get these people help. I don't know if anyone actually knows. that is awesome info, thank u. Take care
There was quite a few times that I wanted to end my life!Some in my family treat me like I am stupid¬ able to do anything!
Thanks Lisa for that Information on suicide have seen a few on talking about it . Have tried it myself a few years ago and arrested for my own safety under the mental health act in uk. But have come along way from them days.life is so worth living . Hi to all members ray xxx
Do You Feel The Group Is As Supportive To One Another As It Was When You Joined Or Do You Feel Differently Now?
Therapist Dumped Me
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