Is There Such Thing As "too Old" To Self Harm?
A part of me feels like it is so juvenile that I still struggle with self harm...cutting mostly.
I remember my last month of high school, one of my teachers gave us an article with a list of things we should stop before college and it was on the list.
IDK, really been struggling with this lately. It seems like such an "angsty teen issue" or at least that's how I feel society sees it.
i do not remember ecactly how old i was when i noticed that if i hurt myself physically , for a brief moment my inner hurt stopped. . i am now 47 years old. and i still struggle to not harm myself. so i do not think there is an age when it stops
You know I still struggle with this daily . I even keep something I’ll use “ just in case” but I never do. It’s like I have that control.
I never want to be where I was before . I’ll fight tooth and nail to keep from being so depressed so I won’t self harm. It’s not easy by any means. I pray all day , several times a day to stop myself.
I understand your struggle. Keep telling yourself you’re better than self harming. You can beat it for that hour , that day , that week etc....
I have faith in you!
Self harm is a mental health issue, unfortunately it has no preference of age, gender or race. Please don't look at it as an age thing, but concentrate in finding the right people, to help you deal with, what the reason is for feeling the need to self harm. Finding out why you do and helping you through this, will be what aides in limiting and eventually stopping the self harming. Keep positive, as this can be helped and you will get better
I worked in the Funeral Industry for 24 years. The answer is, no. Unfortunately, even the elderly are prone to self harm.
Please don't do any harm to yourself. Praying for you.
If You Use Twizzers And Drag It Across Your Skin Is That Self Harm?
Exhausted & Emotional
Self Harm. Scars