What If You Don't Know What Is Wrong?
What if you don't know what is wrong? And therefore, can not find a solution?
I don't really know what the cause of my depression is. As weird as that sounds, all I know is that I am not happy, insomnia at night, oversleeping during the day, no appetite, no motivation, hate myself, know I am worthless and not worth it. Sounds like depression to me, doesn't it?
But if you think about it, I have a roof over my head, I have food available if I want to eat, I haven't worked for years, I choose… read more
Depression doesn't need a reason. It is a chemical inbalance in the brain, and this can happen at any time. Dont look for a reason, look for a resolution. See your gp. Try medication and talking therapies in combination.
@Krisskross If you aren't already on some medication for depression talk to your doctor and tell him or her everything about how you are feeling and what you do everything. If you are already on medication still talk to your doctor and tell her or him everything as the medication may need tweaking or you put onto another kind of medication because it mightn't be working for you the one you are on.
Our own preceptions can make things better or worse,- if we are not careful.
The thing to do is take inventory of our life, the ups and downs, the good and the bad.
Don't create problems where there are none.
Develope a grateful heart, and a spirit of service.
You should be able to find what's wrong.
@A MyDepressionTeam Member Yes it is depression and a lot of the time it is because you are focusing on what you can't do also you have been triggered by something as to what that something is it is different for all of us you need to take note of when you have been triggered and what had happened for you to get triggered. Triggers can be anything. Also you need to force yourself to get moving and also you need to change your thinking especially towards yourself I know it can be done. I also know it is very very hard to do. How do I know this you may ask. It is because I have been in the same space as you but now I am mostly in a good space there is an occasional time I do slip back there but not that often anymore. I had a great counselor help me with it all. I am not under a counselor at present and haven't been for quite awhile now. You need to do what the counselor tells you to do for anything to work once you find the right counselor that is. My counselor and I were dealing with a lot of issues from abuse of all different kinds and my depression and anything else that cropped up in other areas as well. I don't know if you are under a counselor for anything but if you are and if they are a good counselor they would help you through this if you told them and worked with them on it.
Kriskross you are not alone, you are not worthless and depression is a king sized pain in the arse that we could all do without. If I may ask, are you on any medication for your depression because if you are not then I would suggest that you go and see your doctor and talk to her/him about how you are feeling. When it comes to working out what causes your depression there can be many and varied triggers but it sounds like you are a bit like me because my depression was caused by things that happened in my past and things that happened in my fairly recent life. As Lizzy Tindell said depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain and there is no real rhyme or reason to it it just is. Hang in there Kriskross and remember that being a member of this site means that you are not alone and that there is always someone you can talk to here.
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