Can Anxiety Cause Depression?
I'm on bupropion which is the generic for wellbutrn, which I take that for my depression and one of the possible side effects of the drug is anxiety. If that is the case it's a bit of a catch 22. You take a med to control your depression which causes anxiety which in turn caused depression.
After a while of being on meds they no longer are effective because your body became immuned to them...
Every few years I have to have my antidepressant changed because it stops working .
Darlene I'm not sure, I've been on so many meds. And due to a series of events in my life my records are incomplete. I believe. Plus agencies destroy them after so many years.
I take buproprion too but its not helping anymore
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What Comes First, The Chicken Or The Egg? Depression And Anxiety Cause Health Problems Or Health Problems Create Depression And Anxiety?
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