Does Anyone Feel That Others Think Your Just Lazy And You Need To Grow Up?
I moved to grow up away from family because they wanted to control my feelings. Lol I can't even do that
I was voted "Most Laziest" my senior year... Nobody actually knew how depressed I was!
All the time
I also have people who want to control my feelings, tell me what to feel, noone can do that to you, your feelings are yours, noone else's and they are valid because they are YOURS. I argue with people all of the time about this, because others think, if we only felt a certain way, our moods would be better, HAVE that illness before you even go there,and then only worry about YOURSELFf!!
Does Anyone Know Anything About Borderline Personality Disorder?
Why Are You Alive?
Do You Ever Feel Like Your A Burden To Others? If So How Does It Make You Feel And How Do You Deal With It?