Anyone On Ristirol
Dr changed my ambience to restoril anyone use it and does it affect you?
Wen I was in the hospital in Feb my roommate had taken that 4 sleep- she had no complaints about it - so think u will b ok- also I remember that name cuz like 20 years ago (omg I'm so old ) anyway I had worked as a pediatric dental assistant & that was part of a cocktail used to work on kids whom needed lots of work done multiple cavities etc so basically it made them groggy enuf to have them b still in a dental chair for an hour -
I took restoril for 8+ years. Dr made me stop because it isn’t meant to be taken every day. It worked well for a long time, then after prolonged use didn’t work as well. Was better than nothing however. Now I don’t use anything, still don’t sleep well, but really don’t have any other options
I am actually looking forward to it actually maybe I’ll get some decent sleep for once and not having to overdose on Advil pm or something
I used to but restoreal never worked for me
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