Does Anyone Know Of A Therapy Technique That Is Specifically Designed To Help You Heal From Childhood Trauma?
I am convinced that my problems as an adult stem from the possible trauma I may have faced as a child and that my low self-esteem may be improved if I can heal from these traumas and reconnect with my inner child. The more I read about childhood development, the more I am convinced that most of our problems stem from our childhood experiences and could be eradicated if we identify and heal our childhood wounds.
I know how crazy this sounds but there must be some truth to it if most of our… read more
Be really compassionate to yourself. Let you feelings out in what ever way you can that will not bring harm to yourself or others. I found some photos of my parents and I destroyed them to get my anger and deep hurt lout. I
allowed myself to engage in primal screaming and crying while I embraced myself and I wrote and illustrated my thoughts on paper. Also let your mind tell you if you can release all these things. Don't rush it. It will take time be patient. Don't critize yourself. Go to support groups and if you can see a therapist. I hope this helps.
I journal with my wounded child. I call her Ruthie as that is the name I was called by in my family. Ruthie prints and I use script to communicate. I have explained to her that she is not at fault for things she was accused or felt herself at fault for. I have worked through many traumas this way.
I wish you the best of luck with whatever venue you decide to take on Yvette.
Thank you very much for your suggestions. I will do some research and hopefully, find something that works for me. For now, though, I have to focus on my exams but this is a great start for my journey through healing... I just need to find a job, therapist and the courage to go down this road. It really saddens me that so many of us have been hurt during our childhoods and that we struggle to comfort our inner child. I hope you have all found peace and that you continue to connect with your child-like innocence. In a world like this, we need to hold on to that.
I'm sending my love and light your way x
Yvette29, I totally agree with you. I recently when to a new psychiatrist that diagnosed me with BPD and he said its a result of feeling abandoned as a child due to my family circumstances. My parents have been a part of my life, but due to their career, they have also been absent for most of it and when my brother came along and diagnosed with autism things just got worse. I did not realize it myself until he explained it to me, but also due to this I now suffer from severe abandonment issue, To the extent where I shut people out of my life immediately because of the fear that they will abandon me and its just easier if they are not present in my life due to my decision than them not being present in my life due to their decision.
I so agree with you. I have 2 sisters and I am the middle one. I was blamed for things I had not done and smacked. As I entered elementary school, my grades were bad and I remember one time report cards came out and my father had me on the floor straddling me and hitting me, while my mother watched for awhile and finally pushed him off me. At that time I became afraid of my father, but my mother also hit me. They pushed me from one grade to the next until I entered 6th grade and that teacher realized that something was not right, call my parents for a meeting and I met with the school social worker once a week for that entire year, but the damage was done. My older sister was a good girl and smart, while my younger sister was spoiled. I remember things right through my adult years and until today. I am 67 years of age. Ten years ago I spoke to my sisters about my feelings and how they were treating me. Well, one sister and her 2 kids no longer talk to me, while the other one does. My husband and I have two adult children, a girl and a boy. Our son met this girl a little over 8 years ago and the things they have done to me, I could not believe. I did make some remarks, but apologized. This past Christmas they came to see us and our son had not one gift or card for his family, not even for his young nephew and I was shocked. I have not seen or spoken to him since and it isn't only me that they are hurting, but my husband and our daughter, which he does not talk either. He was never like this, until he met her. It has been very hard for me since Christmas and have cried a lot. I go see a psychiatric and take medications for my depression and anxiety. My oldest niece just got engaged and sent out a notice to keep a certain date open. Everyone received one except my husband and I. The event is being held in White Plains, New York, which would mean we would have to buy new clothes, get a gift, get a hotel room and I realized we were very fortunate not to have been invited because now we don't have to put out all that money. I am getting very close to saying the he'll with all of them. They don't want to except what I had to say, then that is their problem and as far as my son goes, if he hates me, he hates his father, because we are one. I am tired of all these silly little games they are playing and if they don't want me in their lives, then they are the ones that have lost.
Borderline Personality Disorder
CPTSD Frm Child Abuse
Do A Lot Of Abused Children Endup Being Introverted And HaveCPTSD?