How Do You Take The Plunge And Ask For Help?
Hey, guys. So, I'm at a point in my life where I feel stuck. I'm between jobs, surviving off my savings, and not having any luck getting a new job so far. I really don't feel like I have anyone I can talk to. Yes, my boyfriend is a good sounding board sometimes, but some of my issues are beyond his expertise. I can't hold a conversation like that with him long enough to get any real release. I feel depressed, anxious, and inadequate, but I try not to express it too much because it doesn't seem… read more
Wow you've been thru alot! Not because someone has studied and has a degree will necessarily understand unfortunately, I'm glad that your reaching out and fighting the good fight. You haven't had luck with therapists but I'm happy that you noticed that these people weren't helping and that you moved on to the next, keep looking, I know it's not easy to do but you will find the right therapist.
@A MyDepressionTeam Member That's actually a goal I have. If I could do something to improve the mental healthcare system so other people don't have to go through the same crap I went through, I would like to do that.
Everone on here is on your side. Really nice people too. We will answer your question s. May not like what some of us say. Take ❤ love you
Sounds like a plan chic👌
I hope you fulfill your hopes and dreams.💕
I wish I could help, it's really hard when you get a counselor that works for you only to have them move on to another organization. I don't know what mental health supports are in your community or what medical services are covered for you. It sucks to feel this way and not be able to move forward because of road-blocks. Sending hugs and wishes that you connect with someone who can help you.
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How Do I Approach My Boyfriend About My Depression & Anxiety