Does Anyone Else Suffer With Lack Of Motivation To Leave Your House.
I lack motivation to leave the house. Especially, in the winter. But, I make promises to be somewhere so I force myself to go. I find once I'm out, I feel better. It's just that initial oomph of getting out. I find if you simplify your routine of getting ready to leave it helps. Shower the night before. So all you have to do is wash you face, brush your teeth and fix your hair. Things like that. Hope this helps you.
There are days I feel so depressed I don't want to do anything but lie in bed and click the channel changer. When those days come and I give into my emotions I feel even more depressed at the end of the day. So no matter how I'm feeling I tell myself You have to do ONE thing positive no matter how big or small. Sometimes it is just doing 1 load of wash or clean all the kitchen counters During the project I keep telling myself to Keep Moving you will feel much better when it's done. And I do.
I was reading another person's post--from last year, I believe. I can SO empathize: I too find winter to be especially daunting where being and staying motivated are concerned. Weather conditions, nighttime at 4 p.m./5...ANYtime ANYone does ANYthing--go out for groceries, get a haircut, attend a workshop or support group...--my goodness, kudos are in order!!! Easier said than done, I know, but what may seem small and trite to someone else is a BIG DEAL for anyone who is depressed, name it.
Yes! I’m having to force myself to go to support groups. Today I got a call to come pick up prescriptions that were ready and I’m having major anxiety over having to leave the house. I’m trying to make myself getting n the treadmill then take a’s overwhelming.
Yes! I start getting panicked just thinking about running to the store. U.are not alone.
How Do People Keep Motivated?
How Can I Overcome My Depression With Me Living With My Parents Under Their Roof At Their House.
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