Wondering If Vitamin D Works?
I've heard that vitamin D can help depression. Has anyone tried it?
I have as well. Isn't that what sunlight does? Helps your body produce vitamin D.
I take prescription strength vitamin D once a week I have noticed a bit of a change in my mood so I’d have to say yes 😀Nicole
It helps me I also would recommend a light box if you have S.A.D.
Yes i heard that as well..
I take vitamin D3 and Acamperstat and can tell a defferance. Some other people say they can tell. I think it's just my moods.
I'm A Firm Believer In Vitamin D I Take 2000 Mg Every Morning..
Does Anyone Take Vitamin D I Was Diagnosed With Low Levals Can This Be A Cause Of My Depression
Does A Vitamin D Lamp Work For You?