I'm Just Full Of Severe Anxiety And Depression Now For 2 1/2 Years. No Low Self-esteem .
@A MyDepressionTeam Member. There’s also something new called TMS. It’s done w magnets and has no down time. Didn’t look into it too much because my insurance wouldn’t cover it.
They say it takes over a month before you will start feeling a difference in your mood. If not Meds ECT, therapy,exercise?
@A MyDepressionTeam Member. It may not be what you want to hear, but 4 months isn’t a long time to find a med that works.
Being in the black hole is miserable. I’ve been there. Keep trying .
I was the unexpected surprise child in my family. I always knew my father loved me unconditionally. After all, I was his Father's Day present as my older sister has reminded me too many times. She would say this with anger in her voice as though I were the favored child. But, I knew my father well enough that nothing would take away his love from his children. Believe me as I tested that a few times in my youth. However, my sister saw me as an injustice on one hand and her play doll on the other. When I was around puberty, she and her husband gave me the nickname Moose. I carried this burden into my marriage with low self esteem. I was always trying to get skinnier and skinnier just to hush that name of Moose. Though I still think I am overweight, I also know that I am in good shape as an aged athlete. The other day I was thinking about how fat I was when I received an unexpected compliment by two girls at the YMCA. One said to the other, "we have to do this stuff now so we will look like her when we get old!" I looked around and the two girls and I were the only ones in the locker room. The preciousness of youth!
I've had doctors pump me with six different pills with no relief in 4 months time. I won't allow that again !
How Do I Overcome Depression When It Is So Closely Tied To My Lifelong Lack Of Self-esteem And Self Confidence?
Getting A Job While Fighting Depression