Circumstancial, Situational Chronic Depression?
Does anyone understand chronic depression from circumstances and situations?
Wouldn't that be PTsd
I just sent you a long e mail that you had responded to about my profile. I forgot the and only wrote GlennG. I wonder if that response is out in no where land now!! LOL. Let me know if you receive it or not.
Yes I do. Because I have clinical depression, Bi-polar depression, environmental depression, and S.A.D. Clinical depression is when things in our brain are not shooting straight! It's like thunder and lightening. Loud, rarely in the same place, and scary at times. Environmental depression is caused, speaking for myself, to my surroundings, the people in those surroundings, and how I handle it. Of course S.A.D. is lack of sunlight and vitamin D which many people suffer from and start panicking when the weather starts changing from warm and sunny to rain, wind, and clouds. As for bi-polar, that too is due to mis firing in the brain for not really understood reasons. I get a lot of lows but absolutely love the highs! I'm not suppose to love the highs but that is the ONLY time I am not feeling some type of depression. I don't know if this is the best explanation but it's how I see my different types of depressions that I deal with on a daily basis. Being an Empath, I take everything in, I am extremely sensitive, and I feel what others feel. So, it doesn't take much for my environmental depression to rear its ugly head. I've thought about getting one of the lights they sell for people with S.A.D. A little costly and I don't know how well they work. The best advice I can give to someone who suffers with severe depression and more than one type is this... Exercise! Change the diet.... Have a really good support system... and know you are just as important, special, and loved as anyone else!!! I hope this helps sweety. Big gentle hugs.
did you ask your doc ?, what about asking google ?
I got it. Thank you
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