Has Anyone Tried Psychedelics For Treatment-resistant Depression?
I've heard really good things and I know there's some clinical trials out there that are using psychedelics. Or has anyone tried on their own and if so, what was the outcome?
Try TMS THERAPY it is amazing and it works. They offer payment plans.
I’ve had ketamine infusions with great success, I just can’t keep up with the the boosters due to the cost. There is a clinic trial in my area that uses psychedelics, mushrooms. I’m trying to enroll in it.
Mind if I ask what your med is helping you? I swear I've tried everything, some more than once. I even did the DNA thing that supposed to tell you what's best med for you but again, no luck.
I used to trip my face off in my 20”s and I swear it helped my depression . My dr says I have treatment resistant depression too but as long as this new drug is working I’ll stick w it but that is my next step after
Being on meds for 30 years . Good luck if u do it
Psychiatrist can prescribe them all you have to do is have treatment resistant depression and have tried 3 of the antidepressants and they failed you .there is a catch its no big deal but Your psychiatrist keeps your prescription and treats you when you come in monthly or however often you go in. I have read the studies and it really works look it up, just put in google new nasal spray that helps depression it will bring it all up good luck buddy
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