How Many Women On This Site Had An Unplanned Pregnancy?
Did you choose being a single mother or stay with the father? How secure did you feel in your relationships?
HEY! I'm (obviously) a Man. But in April of 1978, I had to take the $100 bill my boss gave me for Christmas, and purchase an abortion for my then girlfriend. Neither one of us were remotely "mature" enough to bring a child into this world. And believe me, 44 years later, I would PAY a surgeon who could take a scapel and cut my conscience out. That, in addition to the situation with with my precious Daughter and her insane mother, f*(k with my brain relentlessly. Laurie, the "mother," will fade back into the trailer-trash oblivion she so richly deserves, but this damn conscience is worse than a drill sargeant screaming at you when you have a Jack Daniels Hangover. And when I stand up in front of The Lord someday to account for my sins, I'll have to explain why I...killed my child. Guilt SUCKS, you know it?
So he waited until they were 21 and split. Did you “feel” it coming? I know how you must have felt. How did the kids take it? How did you keep up expenses on property
Ps. I chose the nuclear family too. I read there are conflicted relationships when a child is born out of wedlock. That makes sense.
Do you have any hobbies? Covid was the straw that turned me totally reclusive. My hair was so long. Maybe it’s time for a makeover. When your a mon, you put needs of children first.
Squib , so sorry to hear of that . . You truly have had a raw deal from life . .You are to be praised for all you have achieved to date . . Blessings my friend x
Me but never regretted it was supposed to go college journalism but gave it up have my son no regrets 🌻
I escaped the father of ny kids from physical, emotional abuse which didnt happen til we said I do! I escaped about 9 months after my 2nd child was born and had also diagnosed with cancer. Best decision i ever made made me stronger and my kids still 20+ yrs later think it was best and couldnt imagine me staying i gave them a good life its one of the only things i did do right
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