How Do You Deal With Procrastination And Cleaning A Cluttered Home When You Have Depression?
I suffer a bit with OCD so tend to be constantly looking for something to tidy as my head has to be clear and that includes de-clutter, if I am faced with any mess it really can have a huge impact on me. I know there are many out there that probably have clutter and that is their world but if you can learn to have a structure it does help you in the long run. I find having a list helps me so I can tick off as I go.
Very Very good question. I take cleaning in bits. I do something I like to do. Then I clean a little. I then continue to do what I like to do. Then I clean a little more. Then I do what I like to do then I clean and so on. That way I'm not wearing myself out cleaning. I like to get on my laptop. You may like to read a book or paint. So do a little of that then do a little work and go from there. You'll be surprised how much you get done by doing it this way. It's fun for me. Good luck I hope this helped. Depression is hard enough. Nobody wants to do it all at once when their depressed. Just takes a little at a time.
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