Has Anyone Ever Said Something To A Relative Of Yours Who Has A Disabled Child?
My youngest sister and sister-in-law have 4 children between them. My youngest sister has 2 daughters who are 16 and 10 and my sister-in-law has a 2 year old lil girl and a 5 month old baby boy
My 10 year old niece is disabled as she was diagnosed with global development delay when she was 2 years old
She can walk around unaided now and uses makaton to ask for something or her favourite one is to point at what she wants.
My sister said that she was in our local town centre with my niece who… read more
No but I have just watched the true story, There She Goes on BBC and it was so thought provoking and I dont have children, but this family are amazing . I cant imagine how hard it must be for them but the love and joy for me just moved me so much. A disabled child is a gift and will bring something special to a family
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