Safety Between Remeron And Quietapine
I have been taking remeron 15mg for a week and was taking 5mg zoplicone for 7 days as well. The zoplicone helped some days but my body got used to it pretty quickly so it was ineffective, yet still felt like i needed it. Fast forward to saturday and now on quietapine 25mg and i swear the combo did nothing but give me what i think is SS
I have taken quietapine before but not with an antidepressant is this normal for a first time? I had what felt like rls last night…
So scared and desperate for… read more
Irina i think the remeron is supposed to be that exactly. See it is supposed to help both depression/anxiety as a sedative to help me be
Sleepy as well.
Maybe you need something for anxiety before bedtime with remeron.
Quetiapine Experience
Seroquel XR