How Do I Stop Intrusive Thoughts?
Hi Tom, When that happens, try to focus on one thing, if you are still having problems put on music you like. It takes practice. Don't quit doing it because it didn't help. It is like learning to ride a bike, fall down get back up until it works.
Think positive thoughts. Don’t think negative. The negative brings you down and ruins your whole day.Do something to take your mind off the negative thoughts your having. Like a craft, read a book, watch a good movie. Those are suggestions. They all worked for me. Hugs
Silent screaming
I've had intrusive thoughts and more so intrusive memories and dream recall throughout the day. I find that when I am less depressed they happen much less. Are you on any meds? Sometimes I think some of this is coming from the Mirtazapine I take at night which I am trying to slowly wean off of. That being said, intrusive thoughts are certainly part of the depressive spectrum and when they happen to me I try to ignore them.
A lot of coping skill. Google "coping skills". There's tons you can do. You just have to do it.
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How Do You Stop Intrusive Thoughts And What Do You Do When You Have Them? 😢