How Would A Person Talk Themselves Out Of Suicide?
I matter!!! Those negative thoughts are not true about any of us. When depression hits, those negative thoughts are our worst enemy. Depression does not give us good advice. It is an illness, which control our thoughts. We have to fight those thoughts because the mind is ill right now and not giving us the thoughts we need to get through this terrible illness. Find words that helps you fight those negative thoughts. If one pops up, say nope the mind is giving me wrong advice, I have to find something to change that advice because each person here MATTERS . Hang in there!!!
I've been where you are now. I don't have children either. I've never attempted suicide. I had suicidal thoughts since I was 8 years old. It seems for many years, I lived in suicidal ideation year round. It is profound that I never attempted. I made it a goal to work on overcoming suicidal ideation. I changed my thinking from an option to not an option. I made decisive decisions in depression & suicidal ideation... Slowly I had less & less suicidal thoughts. I restarted my hobby of sewing & card writing. Attempting to write encouraging words & words of wisdom to others & myself. I read memoirs of depression and mental illness, spirituality & life affirming stories. Eventually I found meaning in my life & now I am writing my memoir. I hope you are able to come out of this sense of (possible) dread & suicidality. Seek your purpose. If you seek, it will come to be. I hope the very best for you. You can thrive, it is possible🥰😉
Purposely thinking of something positive everyday and asking God for help. It's hard to have a positive thought in depression, but I made myself think of positive and beautiful things
Finding something to live for 🤷
Daily time with God helps to want to live,you can go to him for anything and everything.Faith without works is dead 😇
How To Answer About Suicide And After
How Do You Know If Suicide Is The Answer?
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