Has Anyone's Depression Seem To Get Worse The Older You Get?
I feel mine has gotten worse as in emotional, not wanting to let people close to me, not being outgoing and bubbly keeping everyone at distance I've cut all friendships out but a few.
i don't understand but as i got older it seems harder to fight it off. I thought it would be lower as i got older. But it actually increased and its harder to fight. Like your in a boxing rin with yourself for years and you just find it harder or too tired to fight.
Oh my God, yes. I’m 54 and feel like I’m running out of time. I didn’t get to do all the things I wanted to and now I’m too old to. I think the best thing to do is make a list of things you can still do that would interest you
Idk but I think I'm starting to different far as tht Cuz I Linda feel all over the place I'm ok one moment and then I'm sad I'm lonely I'm tired but I don't want to go to sleep right now I'm didn't even feel like cooking lunch it's like my energy is not there
I have bipolar1 which is more depression the manic. My moods flip like a like switch
Yes it does this 90%
Does Depression Get Worse As We Age?
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