CPTSD Frm Child Abuse
Has anyone had depression over extreme child abuse when younger that has affected them into adult hood (c PTSD) and now double slaps one causing anxiety. That's me... I hate my life.
I absolutely love Pinterest you can find anything that your little heart desires I have a feeling there on Pinterest I look up craft ideas I do research on my depression my anxiety self-care just anything and I make what I call these little books they're just out of three ring binders but to me I've created something that can help me go to thing when I'm not feeling right or down and the crafts I love crafts that is one thing that really keeps my mind occupied although I haven't got them all unpacked or out of the garage yet but go check it out it's great I have a page in there you can follow me if you like it's just under Lisa Pfost
I spent a very long time in therapy I just started going to counseling for grief counseling 2 years ago I need to find that where I'm living now I pray a lot to God to help take care of me as I know he will but we have to ask for the things that we need not the things we want but the things we need I do a lot of research on my diagnosis and I make what I call books for each one of my issues and in that book has tons of information things to do coping skills journaling things to answer I find a lot of that on Pinterest which I'm sure you can find it anywhere but that's just where I found mine I've been having a couple of good weeks now but as we all know it goes in cycles and tomorrow it could be a different way but I keep telling myself I choose happiness in life when I first moved to this new house of mine first month and a half that I was here I spent it in bed not eating not drinking my I lost my mother will be a year ago December 12th and it's been very hard on me she is my best friend my best cheerleader and to be completely honest I'm just lost without her but I know she's not in pain anymore so that that helps me you just have to find your own little niche I love doing crafts I have so much crap stuff I could own a store...lol it keeps my mind occupied
I have suffered with Major Depression Recount, Bipolar 2, Major Anxiety Disorder,... it's been a lot for me sometimes. Next month my Mom will have been gone for one year..this has been very very hard on my but I'm finally doing a bit better...
Prayers and Love to you,Denbub🙏😇❤️🥰🌹
There's a section here called resources don't know if you've looked there but there's all kinds of information
Is It Ok To Mentally Abuse A Child? Or Emotionally Abuse
Has Anyone Else Heard Of This Term Or Know How To Deal With It