How Do People Cope With Their Depression. Any. Stories. ?
Exercise is my main treatment. I walk daily and have done so for 4 years now. Journaling, tapping, meditation, pod casts, jigsaw puzzles, and painting have been helpful. Also volunteering when I can find the energy and motivation. Most necessary, though, are the friends I can talk to and my new therapist who is helping me address childhood issues finally. Good luck on your journey.
Day by day 🥰
Elaina very good question and I am not doing very good at dealing with mine except being here on MDT and trying to help uplift others which helps me.
How and what do you yourself do to cope? Have you found help with the information provided here and from other members and their questions?
Hugs and remember we are always here for you
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New Zealand Petition For Medication Brand Change
How Do People Cope With Depression? What Are Some Techniques You Use?