Do I Need A Real Psychologist?
My regular doctor writes my medication for depression, but lately, my medicine is at the max that she can write and it has started not to work efficiently. I was wondering if I need to go to a real mental doctor.
It is definitely better to receive antidepressant medication from a psychiatrist who's entire training was on the chemistry involved in treating psychiatric disorders. I am jealous that you have found relief up until now. My experience with antidepressants has been frustrating as they never helped much. Just be aware that no matter how capable a psychiatrist might be on prescribing medication, they limit their treatment to just that. I did not receive much encouragement, hope or empathy from mine and ultimately medication wasn't an answer for me. I am off medication now. My therapist is who has made a difference in my ability to find relief from my symptoms, gradually, but finally, after so many years. Development of better coping skills and personal support and empathy has given me hope.
Ask yourself what youβre expecting the psychiatrist to do for you
Definitely psychiatrist
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