What Lessons From Your Depression Experience Are You Applying In 2024?
I have eliminated the negative people in my life. I feel a lot better by doing that. Negative people can drag you down. I watch the words that come out of my mouth now. I do try to not let negative words come out of me. Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative!! God bless all that are struggling.
What I learned is, I am not my depression, I am not my anxiety, and having low days doesn't means that it will be always like that. Critical voices are very loud and overwhelming during low periods but I am trying to catch them in time before pushing me down in the deep, and to be supportive with myself. I learned about healthy boundaries in order to be able to find and express mine ones and understand other people's as well.
To make use of my support team, to never go back to the past but to stay in the present and to always look up because that is where I get my strength from, ALWAYS...
When I am in a bad place I tend to sleep too much and really struggle to stay awake. Therefore I crochet to keep me awake. It's calming and my spiritual life are especially important to me. I make sure that I do my Bible Study daily. God is a force of positively in my life. I also have friends with whom I am open about my depression and they know me so well they can spot the signs and encourage me when needed as I do them when needed.
Staying away from neg people
Why Do I Hate The Holidays?
Do You Notice Your Depression Is Worser With The Holidays Through January. It Hit Me That Today I Have Not Progress Much In 2023 :-(
Depression, Family And Stigma